Route Length: 10,37 km
Min./Max. Elevation: 1250/1769 m.
Elevation gain/loss: 606/121 m.
Route Type: One way
Route category of complexity: Easy
Route Description
The route takes start from the entrance of Vardzia Historical – Architectural Museum Reserve and via asphalt road follows a set of serpentines twisting through a long ascend. On the third turn of serpentine it connects to a small trail that leads to the village of Gogasheni. At the entrance of the village flows a small spring; from there the route takes left direction, bypasses a graveyard around the old Church ruins and exits the village. Swiftly the track appears into a field with a spring spouting in the middle of it. A grassy dirt road pops up through the field and heads towards a coniferous pine forest. Optionally, it is possible to go north-west through the woodland and visit the church of Damkali.
If crossing the forest directly, the route deviates from the road and traverses the field in a northerly direction approaching rugged cliffs. This is a perfect spot to observe thrilling views of the historic River Mtkvari Valley. The itinerary goes along the cliffs to the east, then takes a small trail and enters the village of Kumurdo. At the entry of the village appears a asphalt road heading to the center of Kumurdo.
About 500 meters away from the center is situated outstanding monument of Georgian architecture of the X century – Kumurdo Church. The church is known for its unique proportions, the monumentality of the interior space, the finest engravings, rich decorations and the pattern of the facades still can be vibrantly perceived. The route ends at the entrance of the temple.