ლაშქრობა და ველო აქტივობა

სამცხე-ჯავახეთის რეგიონში არის საქართველოში საუკეთესო სალაშქრო ადგილები. ნებისმიერ მოგზაურს შეუძლია აირჩიოს მარტივი, ზომიერი ან უფრო რთული მარშრუტები ჩვენს მრავალ ბორცვებში, ტყეებსა და მთებში.

გჭირდებათ სალაშქრო ბილიკების იდეები? იხილეთ ჩვენი საფეხმავლო ბილიკების რუქები.

ხერთვისი - კვარშა - ქილდა - კუმურდო

ვარძია - გოგაშენი - კუმურდო

ვარძია - გოგაშენი - აფნია - მირაშხანი

ვარძია - თმოგვის ციხე

იჯარეთი - თრიალას ტბები - ზარზმა

უდე - ზაზალო - იაილები - ბეშუმი

თორი - ტბა

ბორჯომი-თორი-დაბაძველი-კახისის ტბა-ჭობისხევი

წაღვერის მინერალური წყლების ტყე-პარკი

წაღვერი - ბაკურიანი

ბორჯომი - პეტრეს ციხე

ახალდაბა - თამარის ციხე

Adigeni – Chulevi Monastery – Zanavi Fortress – Okro Fortress

Okro Fortress Trail Net Okro fortress Trail Net consists of three independent trails, that gather at Okro Fortress (1740 m.). 13th-century Fortress stands on a huge rocky massif and is…

Atskuri – Tsriokhi Fortress – Tsinubani Trail

oute Length: 14 km Route Duration: 5 hrs. 20 min. Min./Max. Height: 919/1323 m. Total Ascent/Descent: 940/872 m. Route Type: Connecting Route category of complexity: Moderate Route Description Modern day… 

Atskvita – Shalosheti Mountain – Khertvisi Trail

Route Length: 27.9 km Route Duration: 10 hrs. 20 min. Min./Max. Height: 1125/2075 m. Total Ascent/Descent: 1377/1242 m. Route Type: Connecting Route category of complexity: Moderate Route Description The route

Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park

Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park holds twelve very-well marked and famous trails, but there are plenty of new and lesser known trails for the keen adventurer. They are complete with beautiful scenery…

Damala – Kokhta Fortress – Shoreti Monasteri – Ota Trail

Route Length: 16,4 km. Route Duration: 6 hrs. 30 min. Min./Max. Height: 1331/2189 m. Total Ascent/Descent: 1095/1135 m. Route Type: Connecting Route category of complexity: Moderate Route Description: The route…

Gandzani – Abuli Fortress – Levani Lake

Levani Lake Trail Network Trail network of Levani Lake consists of 5 one-way routes, which meet at Levani lake. Nestled at an altitude of 2565 meters amongst the vibrant volcanic…

Idumala – Chitikibe Fortress – Tiseli Trail

Route Length: 25.5 km Route Duration: 11 hrs. 55 min. Min./Max. Height: 1052/2533 m. Total Ascent/Descent: 1917/2064 m. Route Type: Connecting Route category of complexity: Moderate Route Description: The tourist…

Javakheti Protected Areas

Established in 2011 they include Javakheti National Park, Bugdasheni, Khanchali, Madatapa, Sulda, and Kartsakhi Managed Reserves. The total area of the territory is 16,614 hectares. Javakheti Protected Areas include the…

Khulgumo– Olaverdi – Levani Lake

Trail network of Levani Lake consists of 5 one-way routes, which meet at Levani lake. Nestled at an altitude of 2565 meters amongst the vibrant volcanic mountains of the Abul-Samsari…

Kurtskhana Valley – Okro Fortress

Okro Fortress Trail Net Okro fortress Trail Net consists of three independent trails, that gather at Okro Fortress (1740 m.). 13th-century Fortress stands on a huge rocky massif and is…

Nijgori – Saro Trail

Route Length: 2.2 km. Route Duration: 1 hrs. 10 min. Min./Max. Height: 1113/1446m. Total Ascent/Descent: 356/25 m. Route Type: Connecting Difficulty level: Moderate Route Description The route starts in the…

Ota – Gharta Church– Tsitelitsikhe Fortress – Ota Trail

Route Length: 18 km. Route Duration: 7 hrs. 5 min. Min./Max. Height: 1321/1873 m. Total Ascent/Descent: 1167/1169 m. Route Type: Circular Route category of complexity: Moderate Route Description: The route…

Patara Samsari – Levani Lake

Levani Lake Trail Network Trail network of Levani Lake consists of 5 one-way routes, which meet at Levani lake. Nestled at an altitude of 2565 meters amongst the vibrant volcanic…

Shoka – Okro Fortress

Okro Fortress Trail Net Okro fortress Trail Net consists of three independent trails, that gather at Okro Fortress (1740 m.). 13th-century Fortress stands on a huge rocky massif and is…

Tabatskuri Lake- Shavnabada -Levani Lake

Levani Lake Trail Network Trail network of Levani Lake consists of 5 one-way routes, which meet at Levani lake. Nestled at an altitude of 2565 meters amongst the vibrant volcanic…

Tambovka-Shaori Fortress-Levani Lake

Trail network of Levani Lake consists of 5 one-way routes, which meet at Levani lake. Nestled at an altitude of 2565 meters amongst the vibrant volcanic mountains of the Abul-Samsari…

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